Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A Symphony in Stone

Running Man made of glass sheets in Athens running towards the new Olympic stadium
View from the Areopagus
Also known as Mars hill- a mythological location for a trial for theocide, mythological basis for convention of trials for high crimes, above we see the Acropolis with Temple to Nike, Poseidon's Temple with carotids, and the Parthenon, with the agora below from 5th century Athens, Temple of Hephaestus, most intact temple of Greece, across the ways is the hill with Orthodox Church where you can see Piraeus, the Athenian port, the placa, flat place, where rich and famous live, site of the third play in Oresteia, won first prize in Dionysus festival, only trilogy intact, where Orestes was tried, ends play in a flattering sort of way, celebration of Athenian superiority, locus of ancient drama and theatre, St. Paul marks evangelism here, moving across Greece to Piraeus across remnants of walls, making way to agora, reasoned with epicureans, stoics, Jews, they called him a teacher of forge in divinities, bring him to trial at the Areapagus, acknowledges how religious Athens was, can't help but notice how many idols and temples they have, found altar that said to the unknown God, states that God is not in temples or on this earth bit determined everything on this earth and that they should seek him because we have our being within him, stresses that his image is not of stone or gold, but justice, appointed Jesus to deliver this, many mocked him, some listened, then Paul goes to Corinth, irony of justice being served as seen in Oresteia but what about Plato, Socrates and others? Paul had to combat this reason, not only of the believers in the synagogues but also the philosophers.
The caryotids of the Elgin Marbles

View of the Acropolis from the Acropolis Museum, which is made as kind of modern model to this ancient site 

Weather spout 

Man of reason vs Beast of passion

Hadrian's Gate

Zeus' temple 

Theatre of Dionysius, where theatre began

Temple of Asklepios

Hello, Parthenon

Temple of Poseidon with Carotids

Temple of Poseidon next to Athena's olive tree, the "first" in Athens
Easily the most copied door in Athens

Ionic columns for this Ionic city 

Doric columns to signify grandeur to all, not just Athens 

Notice the Golden Ratio, eye tricks, all used to make it seem bigger 

Temple of Hephaestus

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